Your Healthiest Years Yet Summit + Day [4] – My Talk is Live!

#digestionandtoxicload #healthiestyearsyetsummit
Are you curious about how to increase mental balance and wellness in your life?
Maybe you’ve heard that your gut is your second brain, but aren’t quite sure what that means and the exact role your gut plays in your mental well-being?
If so, this talk is for you!
As part of the Your Healthiest Years Yet Summit Brianna Wilkerson (@madewell345) from October 18th-22nd, I am sharing more about this in my talk, “The Gut-Brain Connection: The Foundation of Mental Wellness.”
In my training, I touch on:
• Increase in mental health challenges and what is causing the skyrocketing increase
• The role your gut health plays on your mental health
• What can be done to resolve gut health challenges and improve mental wellness
FREE RESOURCE: I also have an amazing free resource, my Detox Worksheet. You can access that when you watch my talk.
GIVEAWAY: I am giving away a 50 Minute Coaching Session to discuss current challenges with some ideas on what can be done now to begin improvement in that area.(valued at $ 150 USD). You can enter the raffle for this when you purchase lifetime access.
You can access my training, grab my resource, and qualify to win my prize by:

1. Register at
2. Watch the video and grab my free resource once you sign up (or check email for log-in details)
3. Join the Summit Facebook Group, the More Than Your Weight Women’s Community
4. Purchase the Summit to enter the raffle for my giveaway!
Join the live free summit today at
P.S. Remember, you can purchase the summit and other amazing bonuses for only $67 USD when you purchase it this week (savings of 30%!). Grab access to this amazing price and tons of bonuses here: