Prayer Warriors, Pt 3
Review Prayer Warriors, Pt 2.
As a review from the last lesson, we talked about what prayer was. It’s the secret of spiritual power. It is the process of being WITH Christ in order to become LIKE Christ and consequently, live FOR Christ. We talked about various examples Christ gave for prayer. We closed in talking about the types of prayers.
To be a victorious prayer warrior, we need to be able to name our adversary.
- 1 Pet 5:8 Our Adversary
- Rev 12:9 Great Red Dragon
- John 12:31 Prince of this World
- Mar 3:22 Prince of the Power of the Air
- Eph 2:2 Ruler of the Darkness of this World
- Eph 6:12 The ‘god’ of this world
- 2 Cor 4:4 Thief
- John 10:10 Destroyer
- 1 Cor 10:10 Destroyer
- Matt 12:29 The Strong Man
- John 8:44 Father of Lies
- Rev 12:10 Accuser of Brethren
- 2 John 7 The Deceiver
- 1 Pet 5:8 Roaring Lion
- Matt 13:39 Enemy
From all these names, which show the character of the Being, we know that satan IS real and he is the mortal enemy of anyone who claims to be a child of God. The more closer we walk as Christ walked, the more satan will do all he can to attack.
The enemy is a cold, intelligent, implacable foe who works 24/7/365. He is the head of a vast army of fallen angels who are just as determined as he is to win the war to dominate the universe Satan is out to more than just tempt you – He is out to destroy you.
But Paul tells us in 2 Cor 2: 11 that we are not ignorant of his devices.
The Enemy’s Battle Plan:
- Oppression (afflictions)
- Suggestions
Our only weapon: Prayer
- Know ways of enemy.
- Realize his warfare is spiritual. Eph 6:12
- Learn that he can only be defeated by a strength greater than his own. Matt 12:29, 1 John 4:4
- Know he must flee when we stand against him. James 4:7
Matt 28:20
Josh 1:5
Heb 13:5
Ps 34:7