Happy Independence Day!!

I want to wish all of you a Happy Independence Day. Have a great day of recovery in all your celebrations.

My youngest turned 12 yesterday. For the longest time he thought everyone was celebrating his birthday with all the fireworks. My baby is growing up. He received notice of a scholarship to a summer church camp coming up in about a week and a half. He is very excited about that. Following that week at camp, he will be gone to a week at Boy Scout camp.

I have mentioned the challenges my son has in the past. He has made great improvement in the past year. He is learning social skills. He has Aspergers and ADD, along with some other things. God really blessed me with him.

He is talking more to people in a personal way. He is letting people touch him. He is allowing me to hug him more. That touches my heart each time that happens. Normally I only get a hug at night. Lately, he has been allowing hugs during the day. It has been great. He is improving greatly.

We work hard on his skills. Sometimes he doesn’t like anything that we work on. He rebells. We step back and regroup. Then refocus. Then continue on. When I look back to where he was two years ago, I am amazed at God’s mercy and grace. My son has made tremedous progress. Of course, we have worked hard to make that progress, but it is worth it.

As I give thanks for living in this great country of ours, I give thanks for my son. I give thanks for my recovery. There are problems everywhere. No place is perfect, but it is still the best there is in the world.

As you celebrate your freedoms this weekend, give thanks for your recovery. Say a prayer for those soldiers who are out there fighting for ours and others freedoms. I have two sons in the Army. They have been overseas. I have spent plenty of time praying for their safety. One came back with disabilities, but at least he came back. I am thankful for that.

God bless America.