Co-AD Board

A couple of weeks ago I sent in an application to the Comprehensive Advocacy Board to become a member of the board. Yesterday I received a voice mail that my application was accepted for the board.

I am so excited. This is a position that I could only have gotten in recovery. It is a position where I act as a laison to clients in the mental health field to make sure they are receiving their rightful services.

I want to make a difference in the mental health field. I want to let others know that recovery is possible. I want to make sure that people are receiving the services they need.

I teach a journaling class I wrote. Today someone talked about teaching the class to providers so they could teach clients to journal. This will be a new twist for me if it happens.

It will be another way for me to help others. That is what I want to do.

I feel God has been using me to help others in my recovery. As time passes, I meet more and more people and am able to share my story. It is great.

Now, this board position. Another way to help other people in mental health.

Recovery is wonderful.