Choosing your attitude

Choosing your attitude. There are some days when everything seems to go wrong. No matter what I do, things happen.

Thankfully, those days are fewer in number than they used to be. Now I have learned that I can choose my attitude. I can choose to be happy and look on the positive side of things. Or I can look on the negative side of things.

I have chosen to look on the positive side of things.

I have to be honest. I caught myself complaining the other day when someone cut me off in traffic. That is my last area that still bothers me regularly. I don’t blow up, but I will make a rude remark. I need to stop that since I have a son who is listening to me. After all, I want to set good examples for him.

After my last remark, I caught my remark and said, “I can change my attitude. I have the power to change. I have the power to choose.” And I did. I felt better after that.

I didn’t have any anger or resentment toward that driver. I went on in my day with a good atitude. My day was good.

I have felt very powerful lately. Powerful over my attitude. Powerful over my choices in life. We CAN choose to change. There are many things in this life we can change starting with ourselves.

Actually, ourselves are the only thing we have power over. We can’t control our boss or our spouse or our kids. We can influence them by our actions, especially if our actions are positive, but we can’t control them.

Think of what you can choose and control. Start with your attitude. Begin with an attitude of gratitude. Imagine what that will do in your life. Make a list and say it out loud – daily. Make a new list everyday. Read it out loud. It will change your life.

Try it.

Remember  Check it out. No selling on it.