Man’s Arrogance and God’s Law

1 John 5:2-3
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.
I could repeat the verses from 1 John 3: 4-10. I could also bring in Romans 6-8. I could repeat the verses from Rev 14:12 and 22:14 regarding the reward of those who walk in obedience.
So where does it say the law has been done away with? Where does it say that man can change anything in God’s law?
Does that not sound arrogant????
“Oh, but that’s not convenient since the world doesn’t operate that way. God is love so He will understand if I do not want to keep THAT particular law. I mean, it’s important that I just believe, right? As long as I believe, it is all good.” [THESE ARE LIES OF SATAN.]
James tells us the devils believe and tremble. They will not be in heaven. I guarantee that. He also tells us that faith without works is dead. Jesus is also coming with His reward according to our works.
Rom 12:1-2 tells us that God wants to renew our minds so we can do that perfect will of God.
What is that perfect will of God?
Well, according to the Bible, it’s walking as Jesus walked, in perfect obedience to God’s law. (See above verses.)
Jesus did not come to live a perfect life and die to pay the price of our sins for us to continue IN sin. He says, ‘Go and sin no more.’ (Rom 6:1-4,
6, 15, 22)

Since sin = breaking of the law (1 John 3:4), it would then mean to be ‘sinless’ would be to walk in obedience.
We cannot do this of our own power. It’s that transformational work that happens when we present our bodies as a living sacrifice. It is the mystery of godliness.
Our brain is filled with mirror neurons. This is how we learn. What we focus on, we become like.
To become like God, we need to feed from His word daily. We need to focus on Him.
He wishes to recreate us back to the image of God before sin. This cannot happen if we willingly continue to hold on to cherished sins. 1 John 3 tells us that those who are children of God will manifest themselves by living according to His law, walking in obedience to Him.
Jesus said that He did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. If the law was able to be changed or done away with, then He would not have had to come and pay the price of sin. (Rom 6:23)
Tradition may say we can worship how we want (as Cain did), but God’s word says we are to worship as God says. Jesus warns about following the traditions of men. They lead to destruction.
Something to think about.