Happy New Year

Wow, we are on the cusp of a new year today. Not only a New Year, but a new decade. 2020
As you reflect on the past year/decade, I hope you will forgive yourself where you have failed. I hope you will forgive others who have failed you or hurt you. Most people try their best. I do recognize that some do intentionally hurt others, but the majority do not. If you are surrounded by those who choose to hurt those around them intentionally, then I suggest you find others to surround yourself with. Even with family, we have the right to decide how much we hang around them.
Above all, I pray that the coming year is a year filled with improved health and spiritual growth and happiness for each and every one of you. I pray that you will allow God to transform you into the person He designed you to be; that you will use the talents God gave you to, not only for personal fulfillment, but to bless others.