Superior Speakers Workshop
To Our Valued Speaker Friends,
You Are Invited to Join Us at Our Superior Speakers Advanced Toastmasters Special January Workshop: “Are you ready to harness the ancient power of music to write and present your next speech?”
REGISTER: 4jf077y
January 22, 2025 6:45PM EST
Presented by Fursey Gotuaco: Executive Speech Coach, Keynote Speaker, World Champion Finalist.
Click on this link to watch his invitation: cjQpxHFiI-M
Fursey Gotuaco personally invites and gives you a hint of what will be happening at the workshop this Weds Evening 1-22-25.
TITLE: The Magic of Music
The power of music is all around us. It is rhythm. It is lyrics. It has a dynamic quality the can seep into our soul or shout at the mountains. It can carry wisdom and it can move audiences to tears. Are you ready to harness this ancient power to write and present your next speech?
Join us at Superior Speakers on January 22nd to discover the magic that is at your fingertips. The Magic and Power of Music.
Fursey Gotuaco is an Executive Speech Coach who has been teaching theatre and speech for over 30 years. He has been an educational leader, trainer of trainers, and a TEDx speaker and coach.
Watch Fursey Gotuaco 2024 World Speech Contest: sy27PBQ8-kY?si=V2Ua2_ PtGpSCw6k4
Fursey is a 6 time District Champion winning in Districts 25, 85, and 128 in Evaluation, Table Topics, and International Speech Contest events. In August of 2020, he won District 25’s Toastmaster of the Year. He has reached the semi- finals of the World Championship of Public Speaking 3 times and the finals twice. https://furseygotuaco. com/
Everyone Must Register to attend this Special Workshop: 4jf077y
About Superior Speakers Advanced: Superior Speakers Advanced is a group of seasoned toastmasters, working together in advancing to higher education and experience with speaking and leadership, for the purpose of becoming a paid speaker. Everyone has experiences that can help others. You can change the world one speech at a time. Superior Speakers Advanced Club is the place to practice and receive expert evaluations to improve and go above and beyond.